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Theology and Religion Certificates in North Carolina

North Carolina Theology and Religion Certificate SchoolsIn 2024, we ranked 1 North Carolina school offering theology and religion certificates, and Duke University is the only option.

Check the only North Carolina school offering theology and religion certificates and philosophy colleges offering similar programs in the nearby states or consider other philosophy major or diploma.

NC theology & religion certificate schools:

Duke University - Philosophy School Ranking
1. Duke University

Located in Durham

Theology & religion certificates in nearby states:

Liberty University - Philosophy School Ranking
Liberty University

Located in Lynchburg, Virginia

The University of the South - Philosophy School Ranking
The University of the South

Located in Sewanee, Tennessee

Columbia International University - Philosophy School Ranking
Columbia International University

Located in Columbia, South Carolina

Regent University - Philosophy School Ranking
Regent University

Located in Virginia Beach, Virginia

Southern Adventist University - Philosophy School Ranking
Southern Adventist University

Located in Collegedale, Tennessee

Eastern Mennonite University - Philosophy School Ranking
Eastern Mennonite University

Located in Harrisonburg, Virginia

Bob Jones University - Philosophy School Ranking
Bob Jones University

Located in Greenville, South Carolina

Pentecostal Theological Seminary - Philosophy School Ranking
Pentecostal Theological Seminary

Located in Cleveland, Tennessee

Shenandoah University - Philosophy School Ranking
Shenandoah University

Located in Winchester, Virginia

Union Presbyterian Seminary - Philosophy School Ranking
Union Presbyterian Seminary

Located in Richmond, Virginia

Virginia University of Lynchburg - Philosophy School Ranking
Virginia University of Lynchburg

Located in Lynchburg, Virginia

NC philosophy schools offering other certificates:

University of North Carolina at Charlotte - Philosophy School Ranking
University of North Carolina

Located in Charlotte, 1 certificate program

University of North Carolina at Greensboro - Philosophy School Ranking
University of North Carolina

Located in Greensboro, 1 certificate program

East Carolina University - Philosophy School Ranking
East Carolina University

Located in Greenville, 1 certificate program

Other philosophy certificates in NC:

General Philosophy: 2 schools
Science and Education: 3 schools

Other theology & religion diplomas in NC:

Associate's Degrees: 1 school
Bachelor's Degrees: 39 schools
Master's Degrees: 14 schools
Doctoral Degrees: 3 schools

North Carolina philosophy schools by city:

Asheville: 1 school
Banner Elk: 1 school
Belmont: 1 school
Boiling Springs: 1 school
Boone: 1 school
Brevard: 1 school
Buies Creek: 1 school
Cary: 1 school
Chapel Hill: 1 school
Charlotte: 2 schools
Cullowhee: 1 school
Davidson: 1 school
Dunn: 1 school
Durham: 1 school
Elizabeth City: 1 school
Elon: 1 school
Fayetteville: 3 schools
Greensboro: 3 schools
Greenville: 1 school
Hickory: 1 school
High Point: 1 school
Laurinburg: 1 school
Mars Hill: 1 school
Misenheimer: 1 school
Montreat: 1 school
Mount Olive: 1 school
Murfreesboro: 1 school
Pembroke: 1 school
Raleigh: 4 schools
Rocky Mount: 1 school
Salisbury: 3 schools
Swannanoa: 1 school
Wilmington: 1 school
Wilson: 1 school
Wingate: 1 school
Winston Salem: 3 schools

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